Keystone Keynotes: Everything From Tech Tips to Big Trips
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Get the most out of your Studebaker hobby with our colorful newsletter. It’s not available in stores. You can only acquire these collectible newsletters by becoming a member.
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Join SDC Keystone Region
National membership is required prior to applying to the Keystone Region.
Click here to get your National Membership
After you receive your National Membership number you may apply for membership to SDC Keystone Region:
Download the Keystone membership application
Download Current Member Renewal Form
NOTICE: As of February 15, 2020, the Keystone Region Chapter of SDC will no longer accept memberships online via the website; new or renewals. All memberships and renewals must be in the form of hard copy (paper form) and mailed to to the Membership Secretary. Please include payment by check.
SDC Keystone Region Inc. Web Contact: Cindy Foust 143 Studebaker Road, Spring Mills, Pa 16875 | (814) 364-9629