Studebaker Keystone Region Events

The March to April meet/touring schedule was determined by members of Keystone Chapter Chapter at their annual Planning Meeting in January. Look over the events and make plans to attend one or more of the events. Keystone Region is YOUR chapter…”The Action Chapter” in SDC

In addition to our Keystone Region Chapter Meets, we are listing a few non-Chapter events that may be of interest to our membership. We encourage the membership to attend if possible. For information on non-Chapter Events* refer to the links shown in the calendar.

Keystone Chapter will continue to have a large cake at the meets to commemorate those that are celebrating a birthday, anniversary, etc. in the time period since our last meet.

We will continue to have a sign in sheet at every meet. There will be points awarded for attendance, driving a Studebaker and bringing a non-member between the ages of 16 and 46. We need to put more effort in getting younger people involved in the club. At the Christmas Banquet prizes are awarded to the high point members.